Oil paint on glass, produced by David Beauchamp in roughly forty-five
minutes while watching stand-up comedy. This painting was the
most successful and was used to produce three different images
on linen.

first linen image created by Beauchamp's window, exposed for
ten days generally parallel to the sun's path. The linen bears
a negative image, dark on light (left), which becomes positive,
light on dark (right), in a true photonegative.

second linen image created by Beauchamp's window, exposed for
fifteen days generally perpendicular to the sun's path. The lines
are much harder than those in the first image.

The third and final image created by Beauchamp's window, exposed
for approximately one hundred and forty hours beneath a sunlamp.
The stationary light source created an image flat and scattered.

parallel shroud (right), and the Turin Shroud (left) both topographically

Turin Shroud rendered three-dimensionally. Shabby chic.

Beauchamp parallel shroud rendered three-dimensionally. Shabbier

pirate was the first image created by sunlight under painted glass.
The extremely successful realism encouraged the Shroud attempts.